Satish Iyer

  • Actividad total 191
  • Última actividad
  • Miembro desde
  • Siguiendo 0 usuarios
  • Lo siguen 0 usuarios
  • Votos 2
  • Suscripciones 178

Resumen de la actividad

Última actividad de Satish Iyer
  • Satish Iyer creó una publicación,

    I am unable to see my stock options?

    Hello, I am unable to see my stock options. I would like to exercise my options. I got an email saying I have been granted options. Please help.. I am very new to this?    

  • Satish Iyer hizo un comentario,

    Thanks for letting me know. Can you describe how you rewrote the rules without getting the error ?

  • Satish Iyer creó una publicación,

    Rule compilation error policy cannot be resolved

    Hello,I am using the trial version of the data integration.I want to test execution of business rules using drool-guvnor, I followed all the process in defining rules and everything went fine, exce...

  • Satish Iyer hizo un comentario,

    Comentario oficial

    Hi, How is it going >

  • Satish Iyer creó una publicación,


    HI,   How is everyone doing?

  • Satish Iyer creó una publicación,

    How can I reset my password?

    I am unable to reset my password. The link is disabled. How can I do this ?

  • Satish Iyer creó una publicación,

    What is the community?

    The Help Center community consists of posts and comments organized by topic. Posts might include tips, feature requests, or questions. Comments might include observations, clarifications, praise, o...

  • Satish Iyer creó una publicación,

    Which topics should I add to my community?

    That depends. If you support several products, you might add a topic for each product. If you have one big product, you might add a topic for each major feature area or task. If you have different ...

  • Satish Iyer creó una publicación,

    How do I get around the community?

    You can use search to find answers. You can also browse topics and posts using views and filters. See Getting around the community.

  • Satish Iyer creó una publicación,

    Feature a post

    Community Managers and moderators can get traction for certain posts by featuring them in a topic in your Help Center community. Learn more